Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Now I know I said I would write more often, but its actually not entirely my fault this time. Melbourne has been in the grip of one of its periodic, devastating heatwaves, where the mercury rarely dips below 40 degrees c - and where I live, that means one thing. A massive power outage. Which also means - ta da! - no computer. This year we are fighting back. Seems incredible to me that in a city as developed as Melbourne, the infrastructure cannot cope with hot weather. Thousands of people had to sweat through the equal hottest night on record with no cooling, no fans, no lights. Our local MP has been challenged to pull his finger out and do something about it. I know artists are meant to suffer, but Sweetcheeks, I am not feeling that artistic!

The good news for me is that we start Thespis rehearsals on Sunday, with a read through. I get to meet the cast, at last! I have only heard rumours about who has been included. And just as good, my score to Thespis has been printed and is winging its way to me. The company has ordered scores to be loaned to the cast, but I will want my own. That way I can scribble notes, write mean things about my colleagues in the margins, and keep it afterwards.

I always feel there is something very sad about second hand scores. I own a second hand, but obviously much loved score to The Sorcerer. I picked it up cheap at a shop in Hobart, Tasmania. There were two previous owners, and both appear to have performed the role of Constance. Poor darlings, probably long gone to their reward. At some point that score had been their life blood. Will someone be pondering who sang the role of Tipseion when they pick up my yellowed, long discarded Thespis score in years to come?

One note of sadness is that my friend Naomi has decided to not do Thespis after all. Its quite a disappointment, because she is the life and soul of the company. But she is tired, has done four seasons back to back and needs a rest. Plus she has other commitments, and wants to go overseas. Blah! I hate not getting my way when I know the arguments are sound.

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